Teeth Whitening

The Power of a Whiter, Brighter Smile

A remarkable smile creates a powerful and lasting impression. In fact, 96 percent of respondents of a recent American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey say they are drawn to people who have an appealing smile. With that sort of appeal, it is no wonder that 80 percent of Americans aged 18 to 49 want whiter teeth. 

Benefits of a Brighter, Whiter Smile

Enhanced appearance and appeal

Teeth whitening improves your overall appeal. In fact, respondents to a Match.com poll said that a beautiful smile is the most important attractive quality. 

Turn back the hands of time

Drinking tea, coffee, cola, fruit juices or wine can stain your teeth, as can eating tomato-based sauces and some other foods. These stains can add years to your appearance. Professional teeth whitening is one of the fastest, most affordable ways to look years younger. 

A real boost in confidence

People with yellow or stained teeth often keep their mouth closed when they smile or cover their mouth when they talk, and this can erode their self-esteem in social situations. Professional teeth whitening lets you smile with confidence. 

Opens the door to new opportunities

In a recent study by Kelton Research, researchers investigated the effects a white smile has on professional and personal interactions. The research included simulated job interviews, simulated first dates, and a comprehensive online survey. In the simulated job interviews, more than half of the study participants were more likely to be hired and receive higher salaries after their teeth were whitened. An astounding 65 percent of the study participants were seen as more professional after teeth whitening, and 61 percent were more confident.

White teeth also improved dating opportunities. On the simulated first dates, more than half of the participants were viewed as more outgoing after their teeth were whitened. 

Clearly, a whiter, brighter smile can provide an edge in your personal and professional life. 

Professional Whitening Makes the Difference

Over-the-counter teeth whitening is fine, but the professional whitening methods from National Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry is vastly superior.

Getting your teeth white can be a challenge – keeping them white can be even harder. Eating stain-causing foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, soda, tomato sauces, and berries can undermine your efforts to maintain your white, bright smile with daily brushing. Sadly, the charm of your smile fades as it loses its brightness. The good news is that professional whitening treatment helps bring out the best in your smile in ways that over-the-counter treatments simply cannot match. 

Store shelves are packed with over-the-counter teeth whitening products that promise results. While some may provide some measure of whitening, they all lack the professional-grade ingredients that your dentist uses. The ingredients in these products can cause tooth sensitivity and pain for some consumers. What’s more, it takes weeks or months to get teeth just a couple of shades whiter. 

Professional teeth whitening methods from your dentist can provide the best possible results in the shortest amount of time, without causing sensitivity or pain. Your dentist also provides personalized treatment guidance to help you maintain your whiter, brighter smile. 

Benefits of professional teeth whitening

Your dentist can establish your starting point

Whiter is better, of course, but do you know how much whiter your teeth can become? The answer depends on what shade your teeth are to begin with. Your dentist uses a professional tooth shade guide to analyze your current shade and mark a starting point. 

You’ll know what to expect

Over-the-counter products make vague promises about the results they deliver. What they don’t tell you is that whitening may not be as effective on certain existing stains or dental work, so you may end up with noticeable spots and other unexpected results. 

Our dentists have experience in knowing how many shades whiter your teeth can be, and know how to avoid uneven results. 

Customized treatment

Over-the-counter options are a one-size-fits-all approach to teeth whitening. Our team of dental professionals design a personalized whitening strategy to fit your unique smile. 

Provides the whitest teeth possible

Licensed dental care providers have access to very strong professional-grade materials that get teeth their whitest. 

Teeth whitening cost

While the average professional teeth whitening cost is about $500, you’d spend about that in 3 years’ worth of over-the-counter products – and you’d never fully achieve the truly white smile you get with professional whitening.

Ongoing professional guidance

Our dental team will continue to monitor the shade of your teeth when you come in for routine cleanings and checkups. We may also recommend various options for keeping your teeth white. 

Where can I find teeth whitening near me?

For more information on teeth whitening, contact National Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. Our team of dental professionals can help you achieve and maintain your white teeth for a beautiful smile!

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