
Get Beautifully Straight Smiles Without Wearing Traditional Braces from National Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Get Straight Teeth with Invisalign

Have you ever looked in the mirror and imagined having a beautifully straight smile without all the hassles of traditional braces? Now you can - with no the brackets and wires - with Invisalign®, one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments available today. 

At National Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, we also offer Invisalign Lite, which is the go-to system for treating minor orthodontic issues. Treatment with Invisalign Lite is faster and less expensive. 

Benefits of Invisalign vs braces

Invisalign is virtually invisible to others

Traditional braces can be embarrassing, especially for older teenagers and adults. Invisalign® uses a series of clear aligners that allow you to straighten your teeth without the metal wires and brackets. Nobody will know you are wearing them.

No food or drink restrictions

Traditional braces come with a long list of forbidden foods and beverages. Invisalign® is removable, so you can eat or drink whatever you want - just remove the aligner before you eat and put it back in when you are done. 

No limits on activities

Many people worry about engaging in their favorite activities, such as playing contact sports, while wearing traditional braces. Invisalign® aligners are removable, so you can enjoy your hobbies. 


Invisalign® aligners are smooth plastic trays, custom designed to fit precisely over your teeth, without the wires and brackets that can cause discomfort and bleeding. 

Easy care

Taking care of traditional braces requires extra time and special tools. Invisalign®, on the other hand, makes oral hygiene a breeze - simply remove the aligners, brush and floss as usual, and put the aligners back in.

Your Invisalign® Journey

Start with a consultation

During your consultation, our dentist will help you determine if Invisalign® is right for you. We will perform an oral health assessment, listen to your expectations, and come up with a treatment plan to create an appealing smile. 

Next, create a personalized treatment plan

Each person has a unique smile, and teeth straightening is a very personal journey - what works wonders for one person may not work as well for another. The first step to a beautifully straight smile is a personalized treatment plan.

To help shape your Invisalign® path, our orthodontist will take detailed images and impressions of your teeth. We’ll send this information to the lab that makes your Invisalign® aligners.

 Combined with the information gathered from the consultation, these images and impressions will help us determine the best length of treatment, the expected results, and financial considerations. 

While timelines may differ from one person to another, adults can expect to wear Invisalign® for about a year and teenagers can anticipate an 18-month treatment plan. Most people can expect to see real results in as little as 2 weeks. Invisalign® often exceeds patient expectations, especially when it comes to comfort and teeth-straightening results. While Invisalign cost is higher than traditional braces, the benefits make the investment worthwhile.

Wear your Invisalign® aligners

You’ll return to our office when first set of Invisalign® aligners arrives, which is usually about 4 weeks after we send the impressions to the lab. During your return visit, we’ll teach you how to wear and care for your Invisalign® aligners. 

You’ll wear your Invisalign® aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day, removing them to eat, drink, and engaging in activities in which removing them is helpful.

Follow your schedule

You’ll receive new Invisalign® aligners in the mail about every two weeks. Each aligner moves your teeth a small amount in the desired direction - about 1/10mm per tray. You will begin to see your teeth move a little closer to their final destination with each tray. We’ll see you at regular intervals throughout your Invisalign® journey to ensure that your teeth are moving according to schedule.

Wear a retainer, if recommended

Your orthodontist may recommend wearing a retainer for a while to ensure that your teeth remained aligned. 


Flash your beautifully straight smile for the world to see!

The Benefits of a Straight Smile

Confidence and beauty - and new opportunities!

Scientific studies show that a great smile increases confidence and overall appearance. Research also reveals that an attractive smile can improve your professional opportunities. In a survey by Kelton Research, respondents said that people with straight teeth are 45 percent more likely than are those with crooked teeth to get a job.

Lifelong oral health

Crooked teeth create uneven spaces that are hard to keep clean, so people with crooked teeth can have a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Crooked teeth are also vulnerable to damage, such as tooth fractures and chipping. Straightened teeth are easier to clean and less prone to chipping.

Where can I find Invisalign near me?

For more information on Invisalign®, contact National Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. Our team of orthodontic professionals have special expertise in straightening teeth and restoring smiles with Invisalign®.

Learn More About Invisalign

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National Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry

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